Email Us

Call Us

+92 51 2619164

Our Location

Chiragdin Arcade, Services Road Express way, Sohan Islamabad

Be Hope to Crises

Our Emergency Response teams are experts at quickly, efficiently, and compassionately helping people survive war, famine, and natural disasters.

At MEHD we are striving to reduce the effect of poverty and especially reach and support those who are the most deserving. With your kind support, we are helping them live a better life.

How We Support

Family Food Pack

PKR: 6,000/-

Sewing Machine Support

PKR: 15,000/-

Mobile Food Shop

PKR: 260,000/-

Enterprise Development

PKR: 100,000/-

Mobile Food Cart

PKR: 300,000/-

Agriculture / Apiculture Support

PKR: 25,000/-

For Bank Transfer

Bank Name: Allied Bank Ltd
Address: New Iqbal Town Sohan Express way, Service Road, Ayub Plaza Islamabad.
Phone No: + 92 313 5329035 WhatsApp No: + 92 313 5329035

For Check Deposit

Phone No: + 92 313 5329035
WhatsApp No: + 92 313 5329035

You can donate through cheques or bank drafts made out in favor of “MAAN EDUCATION AND HEALTH DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION”. To have these cheques picked up from your doorstep, simply call: +92 51 2619164 and MEHD's representative will collect them. You.

Other Appeals

Safe Water Drive

Winter Kits Appeal

Donate to Educate

Sponsor a Smile