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Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

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Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)

MEHD’s Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) initiative, where we recognize the fundamental importance of access to clean water and proper sanitation for communities, particularly for those most vulnerable to water-borne diseases.

In Pakistan, the scarcity of safe drinking water is a pressing concern, exacerbated by widespread contamination of water sources. Many communities lack access to biologically and chemically treated water, posing significant health risks. Despite commendable progress in improving access to clean water, decent toilets, and hygiene practices, millions of Pakistanis still face the daily challenge of accessing clean water and adequate sanitation facilities.

According to a WHO study, an alarming 25 million people in Pakistan resort to open defecation, highlighting the urgent need for improved sanitation infrastructure. Moreover, a staggering one in three schools in the country lacks proper toilet facilities, impacting the health and dignity of students.

In response to this critical situation, MEHD is dedicated to providing sustainable solutions to ensure access to clean drinking water, hygiene education, and sanitation facilities for vulnerable families. Our approach is demand-driven, with community participation at its core. We prioritize transparent identification processes, ensuring the active involvement and commitment of communities in project implementation and maintenance. 

Together, we strive to empower communities, reduce water wastage, and foster improved hygiene practices, laying the foundation for healthier, more resilient communities across Pakistan. The main focus of WASH program will be: